Monday, 20 April 2009


'The Real Firefox'.
From a website about cute animals. I suggest any animal lovers to take a look.


I looked at this website a while back, courtesy of steph, and I tagged it in my delicious site. I just opened it up there and it's yet another thing that I can relate to about my dissertation. I've been doing a little bit of work on it lately and i'm really enjoying it. I'm actually surprised at how interesting it could be if I continue with it next year.

5 Sites To Get You Inspired

I found this website ages ago and just came across it again. Thought it might be useful to anyone who's struggling for some inspiration. Not properly looked at it but here it is anyway:

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

My New Blog!

My new blog is up and running!!

The blog which I have made as part of my latest project is almost completed. It's up at the moment so feel free to have a look, and comments will be appreciated. The blog is a make tutorial and this one has been based on bending sheet metal. I've documented the processes which I went through so that anyone else can replicate the process when they are using sheet metal.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Too many bottles

A huge amount of plastic bottles aree beginning to build up on my desk!!
Me and my friend from 'odd things' have started to collect plastic bottles instead of throwing them out once used. And considering we're creatives we want to make something with them. I currently have no idea what to do !!!
So any ideas please let us know, any suggestions are welcome.
This is a little project which we wish to do during our time of in the summer.

Another Day Another Park

It was such a nice day today which meant it was park time again, and this time I had my camera. Here's a few images I took today, the rest will be uploaded to my Flickr account soon!