Monday, 12 April 2010

Working Electronics

I finally took the cuts to attempt my electronics again this week. The week of my MAKE crit I somehow managed to break my circuit (probable something to do with putting an LED into it).
I had ordered another one with my fingers crossed that it would be delivered before the crit but it never.

This allowed me to have a fresh start with the circuit and do it properly since I knew what mistakes I had made with the last one. It also gave me the chance to neaten it up to.

Because the soldering on the circuit was so small I had to reinforce what I had done with some hot glue because the wires were snapping off easily. This has allowed me to handle the circuit a little better without the fear of wires snapping.

This is my broken ciruit. Also managed to break the camera sensor off the circuit somehow. Just general wear and tear I think.

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